
These 10 Foods That May Weaken Your Immune System


We are in times where we have to be more cautious about our health. With the pandemic and other underlining factors, we can not afford to have our immune system compromised due to our poor lifestyle choices . Here are 10 foods that are sure to affect our immune system.

Additional Sugar – Limiting your intake of foods and beverages high in added sugar, including ice cream, cake, candy, and sugary beverages, can improve your overall health and promote healthy immune function.Limiting your intake of sugary foods and beverages can promote better blood sugar management and immune response.

Salty Foods
Studies show that a high salt intake may impair normal immune function, promote inflammation, and increase your susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.

. Foods high in omega-6 fats
Eating more omega-3-rich foods and fewer omega-6-rich foods may promote optimal immune function.

Fried foods
Fried foods aren’t good for overall health and may cause immune dysfunction. Fried foods are high in AGEs and should be limited in any healthy diet.

Processed and charred meats
Diets high in processed meat and meats cooked at high temperatures have been linked to increased disease risk and may harm your immune system.

Fast food
Keep your intake of fast food to a minimum. Eating too much of it is associated with health risks and may harm your immune system.

Foods that contain certain additives
Ultra-processed foods contain additives like emulsifiers, thickeners, and sweeteners that may affect immune function.

Highly refined carbs
A diet high in refined carbs may adversely affect your immune system. Choosing more nutritious carb sources like fruits and starchy vegetables is a better choice for your overall health.

Certain high fat foods
Eating a diet high in saturated fat may impair immune function. Following a balanced, high fiber diet is likely a good way to support immune health.

Artificially sweetened foods and beverages
Artificial sweeteners have been associated with alterations in gut bacteria that may harm immune function. Additionally, some research suggests that high intake may contribute to the progression of autoimmune diseases.

The bottom line

You can support your immune system by living a healthy lifestyle.

This means limiting foods and beverages that are high in added sugars and salt, processed meats, and fried foods, all of which may have adverse effects on your body’s immune function.

To support your immune system, it’s best to follow a balanced diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods and limit your intake of ultra-processed foods as much as possible.

Culled from Healthline

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