
8 Ways to Make Someone You Like to be Obsessed with You

8 Ways to Make Someone You Like to be Obsessed with You

Obsession ? Flirtation ? or simply making YOU not that easy to forget ?

Here are a few tips on how to achieve that for the Single Pringles .

  •  If they say something funny , touch their arm while you laugh .
  • When on the phone with them , say their name and drag it out a little .
  • Smile or make eye contact but don’t stop until you pass them .
  • Give the triangle eye trick – Look in the left eye then lips then right eye .
  • Give them a nickname that only you call them
  • When talking to him , don’t tell him everything . Keep him on his toes .
  • Try doing something completely random from time to time
  • Try playing hard to get but not too hard ( it’ll drive everyone crazy )

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