
10 Unbelievable Side Effects Of Olive Oil

Flavoring: olive oil, garlic, pepper, salt and rosemary shot on rustic wood table

These days , more and more people e taking o natural and organic sources for their daily nutrients . As immensely beneficial as they are to our health, they can also trigger dangerous results that can affect us . Olive oil is no exception. Known to be one of the best in food and skincare worldwide , this oil has numerous health and beauty benefits to offer.

But olive oil also comes with certain drawbacks that can cause significant damage to your health. Lets go through  side effects of olive oil before you start using it.

Let us talk about the top 10 olive oil side effects that can take a toll on your health:

  • High On Calories
  • Unnecessary weight gain is one of the major side effects of too much olive oil consumption.

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Olive oil, just like all other oils and fats, are a chief source of calories. You will be surprised to know that every 16 ounce of olive oil contains calories that are equal to your two days of calorie requirement (4,000 per pound); far more than even refined sugar (1,725 calories per pound).

This is why you should never cook your whole course meal in olive oil. Drizzling on top of your meals, of course, is a safer option.

Causes Acne

Excessive use of oilve oil can harm your skin and increase the chances of acne. Olive oil a heavy. It does not quickly absorb into your skin, and creates a thick layer on the skin, clogging the pores. Thus if you frequently apply it on your skin, it turns into an adhesive surface, trapping all the dirt, dust, and sebum into it. This process paves the way for the appearance of unwanted acne and pimples.

So, we recommend you not to go overboard with the application of olive oil on your skin—twice a week should be enough to get a complexion that’s smooth and hydrated.

Note: If you have oily skin, it’s better for you to avoid olive oil altogether due to it’s naturally sticky and oily nature.

  • Lowers Blood Sugar -This oil can lower your blood sugar below the normal level. Olive oil makes way for an increased insulin resistance; that is the main reason for its activity against blood sugar levels. Over consumption can make you prone to several health complications, like hypoglycemia, sweating, trembling, weakness, etc.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure -Olive oil is known to keep our heart healthy. But, studies have found that over-consumption of olive oil can cause a massive fall in the blood pressure. It is detrimental to our overall health as we become vulnerable to many problems like dizziness, lightheadedness, stroke, and kidney failure



  • Can Cause Allergies & Skin Rashes -Several people show acute allergic reactions to olive oil. And if you are one of them, I would suggest you stay away from it—this oil will only aggravate your condition.

As explained earlier, people with oily skin should avoid olive oil altogether.

Oily skin is the result of an uncontrolled sebum secretion. When olive oil combines with your naturally greasy skin, it can cause severe irritation, rashes, and redness on your skin. Also other  severe allergies, such as contact dermatitis, eczema, respiratory allergies, and so on. It is mainly experienced during or after the topical application of the oil. Those who are prone to allergies can also face this issue after they consumed something that has olive oil as one of the ingredients in their food. It’s always better to know olive oil benefits and side effects before consuming it regularly.

Note: If you notice any symptoms mentioned here, consult your physician immediately. Remember, prevention is better than cure. And you wouldn’t want your condition to aggravate.



6-Not Safe On A Baby’s Skin

Babies have the most sensitive skin, and using olive oil on them can be a bit risky. It can cause rashes, redness and irritation on the skin.

This is because, especially with the newborns, we are yet to know whether the baby is allergic to this oil or not. And seriously, why take chances when you can have other safe options, like coconut oil, to massage your little angel?

Note: Yet, if you are keen on using olive oil, always use a good quality extra virgin olive oil for your baby’s skin.


7-Is Not Suitable For Dry Skin

Olive oil is not a good option for those with extremely dry skin too. Many studies have concluded that oleic acid present in olive oil is responsible for breaking the skin’s natural moisturizing abilities in case of dry skin.


8-Can Cause Blackheads – With its extremely sticky and oily nature, olive oil can pave the way for the growth of blackheads on your face.

As explained earlier, the greasy olive oil forms a layer on your skin that traps in the dirt and dead skin into it. This, in turn, makes way for the formation of blackheads.


9- Gallbladder Stones/Blockage – One of the serious side effects of olive oil. You should stay away from consuming too much olive oil as it may block the gallbladder or cause painful gallstones. Our liver produces bile, which is accumulated inside the gallbladder. But, when our body holds excess fat, and we include olive oil in our daily diet, this stored bile starts to secrete and emulsify the fats. It ultimately results in stones or blockage.


10- Can Cause Diarrhea

– The high-fat content of olive oil may cause digestive disorders and trigger gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea.

We all know the strong laxative properties of olive oil. So when we consume it in large amounts, our system becomes unable to digest it completely. As a result, we develop minor to moderate diarrhea


As you just learned, olive oil is an excellent and healthy option, only when consumed according to the recommended levels. Do things in Moderation,  Stay fit &  stay healthy!



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