
How To Avoid Giving Terrible Gifts this Valentine

Gifts represent different things to various people. It depends on the perceived meaning ascribed to a gift by the recipients. Gifts symbolise affection, love and care. Giving gifts is a human affair and it has some intrinsic values attached to it. For example, when someone gives you a gift, you will like to hold such a person in high esteem and also, wish to give such person a gift too.

The value of each gift can be different and that’s where good and bad gifts are determined. How do you avoid giving terrible gifts this season? Check below, as we have gathered valuable tips for you.
1. Know the person
This is one of the challenges many face while getting gifts for loved ones. Some people don’t wear earrings and necklaces. It will be an error to get such a person a necklace or earrings as a gift. You have to know who you’re buying a gift for, their taste, style and rave. You don’t want to feel bad for doing something good.
2. Know the person’s love language
After knowing the personality of the person, it should not be hard to know what is their love language. You must know how the recipients express themselves, it is from this that you can deduce what will complement their affection. You’ll know the gift to get them that will not look absurd or insensitive.
3. Remove yourself from the gift
This is another mistake that most gift-givers make. They often put themselves in the shoes of the recipient. Some people end up buying for themselves than for the recipient. You are not giving yourself a gift so pay attention to what the person you are giving a gift wants.
4. Ask a third party
This is about having another view. If you’re buying a gift for your man, ask your male friend or siblings for insight. If it is otherwise, you might want to ask your female friends. However, the decision is yours to make at the end of the day because only you “know the person” that owns the gift.

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