
Can Your Physical Beauty Affect Your Mental Health ?

Young girl shouting to camera. (Stuart McClymont/Getty Images)

By Temi

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We all feel unhappy and sometimes insecure about how we look, having different thoughts like “why can’t I have an hourglass figure”, “I wish I was light skinned”, “what I would give to have a blemish free face”. These insecurities just go on and on but what we do not know is that it has a lasting effect on our mental health. What do I mean by this?
A lot of us feel pressured especially when we go on social media or when we watch TV shows and see celebrities, friends and our acquaintances looking all glammed up, glowing skin even without make up, a body to die for and lots more, we feel like we are not good enough and insecurities set in and it dictates how we treat ourselves physically and emotionally. Our self esteem and confidence begins to drop.
A lot of people have resulted to the use of filters to give them that perfect look. Filters have never been more prevalent and it’s leading some people to have fillers, Botox and other procedures because they want to look flawless in person as people see them in their pictures and all these is due to the obsessive pursuit of a flawless look.
When your self esteem is high, you value your worth and time and you know you deserve good things and to be treated with respect.
This will give you strength to treat your body well which in turn helps you psychologically. Body image and mental health are connected and they influence each other greatly.
Body image is mostly psychological. It is how you view your body, not just how you see it in the mirror but how you view it in your head. Poor body image can turn all positive thoughts negative.
The simple truth is that if you don’t like your body, you can’t truly love yourself and vice versa.
Break this cycle today and accord your body the  respect it deserves, appreciate everything that makes you who you are. Eat well, have positive thoughts, if you need to get skincare products get it because you want to look good not because you’re pressured and you will see just how amazing you will feel about yourself.
One more thing, you are amazing the way you are.


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