Gist Hub : Simi Esiri Pens Open Letter to Naomi Campbell, Vanskere debuts 2021 and more …..

This week on

Evans Akere of Vanskere Sets the Pace with Twenty Twenty One
The pandemic has altered the global way of doing business and Evans Akere, creative director of Vanskere had long figured that things have to be done differently. With the debut of his new collection- Twenty Tewnty One , he has got people talking as his signatural geometric designs have seen an addition of color twists and vibe. According to the menswear designer ……”the Covid-19 pandemic has geared things in a different direction and in the bid to survive there is a need to do things differently…” Sports enthusiast – Mozez Praise , was the model for the collection
If what we have seen with this collection is anything to go by, we hear from reliable sources that he is yet to reveal the Aces up his sleeve.

Former Head of Nigerian Police Complaints Response Unit – Yomi Shogunle Loses Dad
Head of Nigerian Police Complaints Response Unit – Yomi Shogunle, is currently mourning the passing of his father, Pa Adolphus Olufemi Shogunle who died at the age of 81.
The burial ceremony took place late last month at St Paul’s Anglican Church Siun, Obafemi – Owode local government area of Ogun State and only family members and officiating clergyman where in attendance due to the pandemic restriction. May the soul of Pa Olufemi Shogunle rest in peace .

Schick Boss- Simi Esiri Pens Open Letter to Naomi Campbell Titled – Dear NAOMI
SCHICK Publisher & Editor-in-Chief, Simi Esiri pens an open letter to Ms. Naomi Campbell on her request for Vogue to launch an African edition.

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