I feel the urge to write this story about my battle with breast cancer. I know some of my family members and friends will be shocked by the revelations in this story but if by sharing it, I’m able to save a life or more- then I am fulfilled.
One Sunday night in April 2017, I found a lump in my breast and somewhere at the back of my mind I knew I was in trouble. I told my younger sister about the discovery and she came the next morning to check if it was true. She asked what next to do and I told her I was due for my annual checkup. I added a mammogram to the tests not knowing that before age 40 the breast is not dense enough for a mammogram to detect anything. So I went for the mamo and of course they couldn’t find any lump and since that was what I wanted to hear I relaxed (denial period).
But my parents kept nudging me to go back to the hospital for the lump to be removed. Fast forward to July 2017, I went back to the hospital and I was diagnosed with stage 2, grade 3 ductotal carcinoma (breast cancer ). To make matters worse, the type I had was HER2+ ( doctors will understand what this means and how aggressive this type is). It was at that point my journey of surgery, chemotherapy, Herceptin and radiotherapy began. Hmmm…it was an exhausting journey! But I thank God that I am here to testify of His goodness in my life.
I was active on social media through it all because even though I had cancer I didn’t allow cancer have me. I had fantastic support from family and friends. I knew they were all scared but just praying and hoping for a miracle. The emotional side of this journey was the reason we didn’t tell most people because the emotional pressure would have been too much for me to handle. I lost friends, made new ones and some old friends were awesome. I had to make some key decisions by myself not because I don’t have people to make those decisions for me but because I had to do it to be alive for my 2 beautiful girls. Don’t let anyone determine your survival or death by telling you not to go for chemo.
When you are dealing with cancer, please go to a Teaching Hospital. And hold on to God for dear life during the treatment process.
If you don’t agree with me, please introduce me to someone that got treated with herbs (with picture evidence) and I’ll believe you.
To everyone that donated when my friends did fund raising for me, I say thank you qnd God bless!
To all those wonderful friends and family that introduced those fantastic survivors to me, may God bless you too!
To my fellow survivors that I ran to whenever I was confused, I say to you- God will continually be your ever-present help in times of trouble.
To my family, friends, my workplace and colleagues, thank you for standing by me through it all, you all made the journey easier.
Early detection is key to survival. Do your bit and let God handle the rest.