
Jewel Jemila releases Elegeant Serenity Collection featuring stunning model, Aduke!


The (Elegant-Serenity) collection brilliantly illustrates and interprets the side of the strong, emerging woman in these highly competitive and daring times. This can be seen through the choice and use of colours and the fusion of diverse fabrics and textures. The collection projects the strong, chic, sultry and classy fashion statements seen in different doses from the late 60’s to the 2000’s.

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Creatively selecting a range of colours from bright to strong dark colours. The bright colours effortlessly express the tenderness and burst of energy that precedes the young emerging woman. The choice of bright-soft colours nicely exposes the chic and sophisticated part imbedded in every woman especially in her prime.
Incorporating dark colours gracefully, that seamlessly defines the boldness and sultriness perfect for every confident woman who is discovering herself, has discovered herself and has already reached her prime.
Elegantly accentuating her mild but strong curves, this beautiful collection finely gives details to designs that makes strong fashion statements but in the mildest and graceful way of the real woman.


Brand : @JewelJemila

Photographer : @felixcrown

Make Up : @tennycocostudio

Model : @adukebey__

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