
How To Protect Your Mental And Physical Health

october 20 -2020

The current unrest we are facing in the country puts not only individual lives at risk but also the collective health and emotional stability of every individual . There has been  an increase in the level of fear , unnecessary pressure and high level stress which is sure to cause physical and emotional distress. This unhealthy exposure,  has heightened our sense of  insecurity, anxiety and depression. In other to keep a clear head this period,  you have to make sure to adhere to various ways you can maintain your sanity because these are truly insane times.

Below are few ways to keep your physical and mental health in check.

– Be mindful of what you watch and listen to.

– Be mindful of the news you spread, this is very important. If you have not verified or cannot verify it please do not spread it.

– Limit yourself to the amount of time you spend on social media because the exposure to various information can increase your anxiety.

– Practice situational awareness. Be mindful of what you say and be prepared for just about anything.

– For those staying in places that is currently under attack, try to stay away from the windows especially in the night when going to sleep.

– Eat well and drink enough water because you have to keep yourself physically strong.

– Try to reach out and unburden yourself to people that are willing to listen because no one would be able to help you if you don’t speak up.

– Do anything -it is you can that serves as a form of coping mechanism. It is not a crime if you want to take a break from everything to watch movies, play games or sleep. Anything at all that would help you cope, do engage in it.

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