
Waxing As a Body care Regimen: The Myths Of Waxing: Ada Osigwe


Body waxing is one of the best ways to remove hair temporarily, though the results are much longer lasting than the results of shaving and other temporary hair removal techniques. It can be done in a professional spa or at home.

Generally there are a lot of schools of thoughts on Waxing , but Ada Osigwe, Founder of Eve-Olution Makeup & Beauty Waxing Salon, spoke with Tribe and Elan, clearing a lot of doubts on Waxing.

She said “Why is it that the highest requested treatment around the world is not being requested here within our Nigerian community… So, to wax or not to wax…???That is the question I am asking Lagos… Now I know there are still a lot of unanswered questions here in Lagos around this method of hair removal and not enough knowledge and information been given of the benefits of this particular beauty treatment. The waxing services I offer are for black/melonated skin types and my application and technique of what I do has been designed to cater for black skin and black hair removal.”

Here are some myths about waxing as stated by Ada Osigwe

Hair will grow back thicker – Many believe removing the hair on a regular basis will cause it to grow back thicker and darker. That could not be so far from the truth, if you’re consistent with your wax you will start to notice the hair grow back thinner, sparser and the rate of which it grows slows down as well. This is due to the hairs being pulled from the root eventually weakening the hair follicle where the hair grows from.

Waxing really Hurts – How much it hurts depends on the person, it is expected to experience some discomfort but this is not to be feared as having a professional carry out the wax with special waxing techniques and products will keep the discomfort to a minimum. Numbing creams applied or taking painkillers like aspirin or ibuprofen 30mins before treatment will also help.

I can’t wax on my period – You can wax during your period. If wanting a Brazilian or Hollywood wearing a tampon is advised, also waxing larger areas of the body whilst on your period might hurt a bit more than normal as the skin tends to be more sensitive during your cycle.

It’s Embarrassing – Not if you’re with a professional. A technician with years of experience will take or should take into consideration the nature of the treatment being carried out and should make you feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible during waxing services

You can’t wax whilst your pregnant – You can wax whilst you’re pregnant. I would only advise that you start waxing after your 1st trimester and once you have been given the all clear from your Dr. Also bear in mind that your skin will be more sensitive during pregnancy so expect a bit more discomfort than usual.

Ada Osigwe Beauty Therapist | UK Certified Waxing Specialist: Specialising in Facial & Body Hair Removal for both Men & Women

Contact – Water Ripples Hotel – 20 Dream world Africana way , Eleganza bus stop second toll gate .

Insatgram – @eveolutionbeauty

Phone – 08118874059


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