The rainy season is upon us and the incessant downpour is a mood dampener. Torrential downpour, puddles and muddy streets can make dressing up a challenge. A lot of people really don’t feel it is necessary to put in a lot of work on the way they look and appear this season. The rainy season should not be an excuse to look drab. All it takes is picking out the right pieces and bringing them to create a coordinated outfit.
Here are some Beauty Tips you will find helpful during this period;
Beauty Tips
* Pay maximum attention to your skin
Moisturising and exfoliation must be a part of your beauty routine. Use a nourishing moisturizer to keep your skin moist and healthy. Exfoliate your skin in order to get rid of dead skin and also to unclog pores.
Cleansing agents must be mild but strong enough to remove dirt from the skin because you have to be careful in cleansing the skin without losing the natural skin moisture.

* Go easy with the make-up
Streaky, cakey make-up is a No No look during the rainy season. This is the time to use waterproof products right from your mascara and eyeliner to your foundation and lipstick. Avoid pore clogging face creams and keep your make-up light to avoid looking a mess in public.
* Stay hydrated
Stay hydrated by drinking a sufficient amount of water throughout the day. The humidity can make you sweat a lot and a skin that doesn’t have enough moisture ends up looking pale and dull.
*Avoid using hair sprays and gels and say Yes to conditioners.
Oil your hair and massage gently to avoid breakage. Using a blow dryer is inevitable but in order to avoid getting frizzy hair, keep the usage to the barest minimum.
* Maintain a healthy diet
The type of things you consume reflects in the way you look. Eat fresh foods and abstain from eating road side foods as you get prone to consuming bacteria. Eat lot of fruits and vegetables and also increase your intake of milk and nuts products as they give you an healthy look.
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