
Baby Daddy : The Unacceptable Desirable Parent

  • + Facing Regrets of the past and standing strong for the future


“Baby Daddy” A term used to demean a father for not doing what they were supposed to do.
The term may be interpreted as one that’s unable to maintain a relationship regardless of children. They are perceived as irresponsible, inconsiderate men who stay outside the yard, watching their children grow from a distance, whilst doing the bare minimum.

baby daddy


But on the contrary, what we see most times especially these day are Fathers being more present and trying their best to come through as much as they can for their kids.

In this Fathers Day edition, we outline The best qualities of ANY daddy (baby or otherwise) .


–   Be a role model for his children. To spend time with them, teaching them the things your father taught you (or that you WISH he had taught you). To make your son your PRIORITY in life.

– Do everything you can to stay on good terms with his mother, no matter what happens between the two of you.

–  NEVER badmouth her in any way, shape or form, no matter what. And don’t let anyone else do it, either. That’s his mother, and she will always BE his mother. Kids aren’t as dumb as we think they are. If she’s not a good mother, they’ll figure it out. And if she IS a good mother (at least in his eyes), he will never forgive you for the things you say about her.

– As your son grows, spend as much time with him as you possibly can. Do something just for you and your son.

– As soon as he’s old enough, join Cub Scouts. (Yes, I AM biased towards Scouting lol). Or join some other group if you prefer. The object is to spend quality time WITH him. Become his Pop Warner Football coach (Pop Warner is still around, isn’t it?) or at least help coach. Help him with his science fair projects, even if all you can do is carry the clipboard.

– WHAT you do isn’t important – the fact that YOU are doing it IS important.

– So… to be the best dad you can, just BE THERE.

– It’s not about how much money you spend on your child. Money isn’t important to a kid. Your time is more precious than anything to him. Your son wants to be able to point to you in the stands at a football game and say “My dad is here watching me”.



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