
How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under The Eyes

dark eye circles
Having dark eye circles can be as a result of a number of reasons like lack of sleep or simply genetics – yes for some people dark eye circles  are as a result of genes.

Dark circles can give you an insight on the state of your health at that point because they can be signs that you’re not getting enough sleep, water and nutrients as you ought to. So below we explore some lifestyle modifications that can help in getting rid of dark circles.
dark eye circles

1. Work on your sleep routine

The first step to getting rid of dark circles and eye bags is to work on your sleep routine by establishing a more regular sleep pattern while also avoiding staring at your phone screen for too long before going to bed.

2. Hydration is key

An hydrated skin creates more volume which makes dark circles less noticeable. Drinking lot of water helps get rid of dark circles because it increases blood flow and pumps out the dehydrated skin which appears more thin and fragile.

3. Try Using Retinols

Retinol is a Vitamin A derivative that helps prevent fine lines and wrinkles from forming by promoting cell turnover in the skin. Topical retinol products that are specially designed for delicate eyelid skin can help in improving the texture and color of the skin but it must be used with care because it could be quite irritating.

4. Include Caffeine in your skincare

Caffeine is a great topical ingredient that helps improve circulation in skin making it a vital ingredient for eye bags and dark circles. You can make use of skincare products that include caffeine and use daily for best results.

5. Home remedies work just as well

We have a lot of simple yet effective home remedies that helps in getting rid of dark circles like cucumber slices, tomatoes, cold tea bags, almond oil and a whole lot more. All you need to do is to find whichever works best for you.

6. Do not forget your vitamins

We all know that a skincare regime that includes vitamins is always a good idea especially vitamins that are beneficial to the skin around your eyes like vitamin C. Serums rich in vitamin C are highly recommended for those with dark circles as it offers antioxidant protection that fights damage caused by stress.

7. Be gentle with your makeup remover

Never forget that under eye skin is the thinnest on the body so any form of irritation can cause skin inflammation.

8. Your makeup is still there to do the magic trick.

While you’re working on improving your eye bags and dark circles, you still have your foundation, concealer and primer to fall back on to mask the dark circles and puffiness.

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