archivestyle magazine


Rich Mnisi’s Pays Tribute To African Mothers with His Nwa-Mulamula Collection

South African brand Rich Mnisi has released its latest collection titled Nwa-Mulamula which means looking for mother. The designer said he drew his artistic inspiration from the love, bravery and strength of a mother. She is a sacred, powerful and spiritual component of my being – although she rests as a guardian in an ancestral realm, her spirit, lessons and sacrifices have defied temporal limitations and this is why for our Trans-seasonal ‘18 lookbook we explore the ancestral realm looking for her love. Mothers are the cornerstone of African family structures. From...

The Buba and Iro Remix by Nigerian Designers

Call it recycling, call it revolution, one thing we are sure of is fashion style never dies, okay; we could say the style faded or let us say we outgrew them. We will be taking a walk down memory lane with the Iro and Buba, that is the traditional Yoruba women attire, though it is not known to the Yoruba alone anymore as other African tribes have embraced this fashion style. Growing up, we saw our mothers look good in this style, that is the round cut neck, oversized hand,...

The Henri Uduku Resort ’18 Collection Is The Combination of Luxury and Vacay

As a brand, Henri Uduku has wrestled with the conventions that have risen around the fashion industry building its whole ethos around this worship of the seasons. Technology, globalization and industrialization has significantly weakened the hold the weather had on our lives, the most privileged of us literally spend their lives chasing the warm summer climes. As an apparel brand finding its voice, they are willing to buck tradition and forge our own path. This season they present their Resort collection, inspired by the radical idea that the label of...