
Reasons to Give Your Toenails a Vacation from Nail Polish.


Do you wonder what that dry, white flakiness is all about when you remove your toenail polish?Houston white damage to toenails from polish

Has your pedicurist told you that you have a fungal infection?

For ladies , it is understandable that when a woman wears an open toed shoe or sandal, they enjoy having polish on their nails. Most nail polishes contain formaldehyde, a carcinogenic chemical best known for preserving cadavers. On a toenail, the formaldehyde dries and damages the nail. Most nail polish removers have acetone, which is popular for removing adhesives and paint. Also damaging for the nail. This damage can leave the toenail susceptible to fungus infections. Most of us have seen the dry white flaky condition of the nail when your polish comes off. In fact, people often come into the office concerned that it’s fungus. Sometimes it is, but most of the time it’s just damage from the polish.

It’s time to take a vacation. With what you call  the “closed shoes season” . During this period , you give your nails a chance to recover by not wearing polish. That’s right…no polish. What’s that? Just a base coat? Well clear polish is still just as damaging. It’s not the color that does it, it’s the polish itself. No matter what your pedicurist tells you, whether it contains essential vitamins, whether it’s hypoallergenic, it doesn’t matter…it’s still nail polish.

Well is there any good polish? The answer is yes. There are polishes sold in some stores that are without formaldehyde. By most reports, they are inferior. There are also “healthy” polishes that contain vitamins, tea tree oil, and wheat protein. These are better for the nails and have antifungal properties. So, in a nutshell- no polish is still better than wearing a healthier alternative.

If you’re on vacation, go crazy, wear polish for the week if you’re wearing shoes that will show your toes. But otherwise, treat the nails right and get them ready for next sandal season.

If you have noticed any discoloration after you remove your toenail polish, contact your  podiatrist Dr. r to see how you can keep your nails healthy.

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