
5 Places You Should Not Be Caught Wearing Ripped Jeans


Ripped jeans / distressed jeans have been a thing these past 2 seasons and the trend has quietly settled in our wardrobe as a fashion staple . Although there is no definite way f ripping or jeans as they can get ripped at any part of the body – on the knee, on the thigh , at the side of the thigh , under the butt , threaded under the knee etc .There are really no rules to this fashion art . But as a  stylish and fashionable personality, you might have been considering the right place to wear you ripped jean to, you must have rocked it to different parties, hangout, club among others. However, as flexible and sociable as the ripped jean is, you must not wear them to certain places. You could be wondering where and where shouldn’t I wear my stylish ripped jean to? five places are listed below as a guide to places you should not show up in a ripped jean.

1.      A corporate office: The office is a place you should not appear in a ripped jean. Although, some offices allow you to express your individuality  in your own way and style. But don’t over do it by crossing the line of decency . Wearing a ripped jean to the office gives an impression that you are unserious and nonchalant. If you have got a banking job, no matter how flexible you are allowed to dress on Fridays don’t appear in a ripped jean.

2.     Religious Gathering: wearing any kind of outfit to religious gathering like church and mosques have become rampant. As a stylish person, the ripped jean is not the right outfit to places of worship ( show some respect for goodness sake ) . Wearing a ripped jean in a religious gathering can be distracting and also paints you in a bad light as people will judge your sense of style  . To avoid the awkward stare , don’t wear a ripped jean to church or mosque.

3.      When you are visiting your prospective in-law: in an African setting, first impression matters a lot, most importantly, in terms of dressing. Do not consider the century in which you are meeting the parents of your spouse to be. You must look good and decent. Don’t wear a ripped jean, or your prospective in-laws will think you are a razz person or an un-serious personality.

4.     Meetings: If you have been called to attend a meeting with boards of corporate organizations or a regular office meeting, the ripped jean is not the right outfit to wear even if you throw on a jacket . It will rather make you look awkward. In this kind of meeting, you can decide to wear a nice shirt, plain trouser and good shoes. 

5.      For a Job Interview: if you to go for a Job interview, do not wear a pair of ripped jean. Even if your job is fashion, social media or tech related you don’t have the license to wear a ripped jean. Dress appropriately

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