
I turned to makeup to help me feel more confident-Kylie Jenner told Forbes



On Wednesday, Forbes unveiled the cover of their August issue, showing the youngest Kardashian-Jenner on the cover. The magazine says the 20-year-old is ‘set to be the youngest-ever self-made billionaire’ after raking in  over $900million from her cosmetics line. The mother-of-one launched Kylie Cosmetics in 2015, and sold out of her first products – the Kylie Lip Kit – in seconds. The Kylie Lip Kit’s popularity started a liquid matte lipstick trend in the industry. Since then, Kylie has expanded the line to include a whole range of make-up products including concealer, highlighters and eye shadow.

On Wednesday, The magazine unveiled the cover of their August issue, showing the 20-year-old reality-star-turned-beauty-mogul on the cover for an issue focused on ‘America’s Women Billionaires’, making her the richest Kardashian-Jenner.

According to the magazine, Kylie – who is set to turn 21 next on August 10 – is currently worth an estimated $900million thanks to her cosmetics line.

Once she crosses the $1billion mark, she will unseat Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg as the youngest-ever self-made billionaire.

“…….Unsurprisingly for a child who grew up on camera, Jenner has always been precocious–especially in her appearance. “Ever since I was in sixth grade, I would wear purple eye shadow,” Jenner says. “I turned to makeup to help me feel more confident.” She learned about makeup by watching YouTube videos and scrutinizing the professionals painting her face for TV appearances and photo shoots. Jenner, who claims she was insecure about her lips, developed the habit of applying liner beyond her lips’ natural perimeter to create the illusion of bigger lips. In August 2014, at age 17, she presciently trademarked the phrase “Kylie Lip Kits … for the perfect pout,” two years before going out on her own…….”

Culled from Forbes


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