
…”I Never Intended to Have A Career In Acting…Deyemi Okanlawon

Deyemi okanlawon

‘…”I never intended a career in acting…Deyemi Okanlawon

 – His Plans to Retire Early from Nollywood

 + How He Missed His Calling As a Minister

Deyemi okanlawon

Deyemi Okanlawon, an actor and entrepreneur is well known for his various roles In the ever competitive circle of Nollywood and the lifestyle sector especially in the fashion  industry where he has become one of the most sought after.  For some , his smile and calm disposition have added to his swift upward sojourn but unknown to many, his initial drive and sheer determination has brought him far beyond his expectations .

Adding another year during the week,  Tribe and Elan Editor  in chief- Moriam Musa engaged him in a 5 minutes chat on what was, is and could have been .

– As a graduate of Chemical Engineering, why did you decide to pursue acting as a career?
Deyemi – Funny enough from Chemical Engjneering I’ve gone through a career in sales, to marketing jobs as well as run my own businesses. I never intended a career in acting however what began as ministry in faith-based drama groups became a learning ground and prepared me for the first film audition I aced.
– Tell us 5 unique things about yourself.
Deyemi – My DNA, fingerprint, face, voice, and swag! (Lol) I honestly don’t think there’s much that’s unique about me but I will say that I’ve found my ability to dream big, my determination to succeed, my faith in my God-given ability to add value and my work ethics to make it all come together in producing results, seems not to be very common.
– In what way(s) have you managed to keep yourself from getting involved in any scandal?

Deyemi – To be honest, strictly by the Mercy of God. Truth is I’m not any different from anyone else, I just try to make sure I’m so busy focused on achieving near-impossible goals that it’s pretty difficult to get distracted.

– What 5 things would people be surprised to know about Deyemi Okanlawon?

Deyemi – 1. That I’m more Deyemi The Entrepreneur than I am Deyemi The Actor and I’m looking forward to early retirement from acting to explore my other abilities.

2. That I believe I may have missed my calling as a minister and hoping I get granted another chance.

3. That if I had to choose between my career or money and my family, I’ll choose my family in a heartbeat.

4. That I am passionate about inspiring young people into excellence through the work of my hands, and motivating them into dreaming and achieving though my story of failures-turned-successes.

5. That I am currently the lead distribution consultant at Silverbird Film Distribution West Africa.

– Lastly, there’s this really hilarious thing that ‘Deyemi the stylist’ does on Instagram where you ‘style’ your other celebrities. How did this career as a stylist begin?
Deyemi(Lol) During the first few weeks of the pandemic, while there was so much negativity and fear going around, a few of my friends and I tried to cheer each other up on social media and I was quite often on the receiving end of their teasing and pranks. That’s how Deyemi The Stylist was born and how I defeated them all – except the troublesome Kate Henshaw! ( Lol)

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